Мартин Армстронг

где деньги, Зин?
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Зарегистрирован: 27 апр 2016, 19:02
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SKY News Australia has reported the smoking gun. The UN-funded financial arm of the Paris Agreement has labeled the coronavirus an “opportunity” to raise funds for climate change action and “relaunch economies on low-emission, climate-resilient trajectories”. The extraordinary statements have been published in a document by the Green Climate Fund – an international organization with a US$10.3 billion budget. Bill Gates has been a major driver behind the Climate Change contingency.

The Green Climate Fund of the United Nations has written:

While COVID-19 is causing untold suffering, the international response to this unprecedented health crisis in modern times offers an opportunity to direct finances towards bolstering climate action. GCF will continue to make critical investments in climate-resilient water resource management, health care facilities, agriculture and livelihoods – all of which are essential to subduing and overcoming the pandemic. Similarly, we will step up our efforts to catalyse green investment to relaunch economies on low-emission, climate-resilient trajectories.

I have warned that this entire destruction of the economy made no sense. Nobody in their right mind would do such a thing – except the Climate Change people who have been obsessed with CO2. We now know Bill Gates’ true objective – Climate Change to crush the economy and relaunch without CO2.

Oil prices have collapsed as the lockdown continues and they have sought to wipe out the auto industry. They have even shut down CO2 production needed for beer and soda. There will be shortages of those products now. What will the lower classes whose favorite drink is beer do when they realize that CO2 is needed for that production?
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Зарегистрирован: 27 апр 2016, 19:02
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Сообщение Mikhael »

This COVID-19 has undermined the economy in a way where we will not return back to normalcy. The Washington Post and the New York Times just take the opposite view of whatever Trump does without any consideration of what they are reporting. The Washington Post has targeted Gov. Brian Kemp of Georgia, calling his reopening of the economy an “aggressive course.” They said he is some first-term governor, so he obviously doesn’t know what he is doing. This is no longer about the people or the country — this is becoming just hate politics.

These leftist media outlets make no effort to review the consequences of this shutdown. There is no investigation of how people have lost everything or that they expect 30% of mortgages to default. Trump wants to reopen and they simply argue the opposite. There is no investigation of the conflicts of interest with regard to these health organizations, and they place Bill Gates on a pedestal as the savior of the world.

The media portrays CO2 as evil as it causes climate change, yet they never report that there is a coronavirus-driven CO2 shortage that threatens US food and water supply. We need CO2 to clean water. Without CO2, this threatens the supply of drinking water. CO2 is also used in soda and beer production. Yet, they cheer Bill Gates and his object to get to zero CO2.

Then if you want to know WHO is deliberately trying to destroy modern society, just look at the WHO and the United States. The WHO has never had a peer review report to suggest that this virus would be lethal enough to shut down the world economy. The absence of this is critical. As protests are rising, they continually justify the continuation of a lockdown, which has become a tyrannical house arrest, for the sole purpose of destroying the economy so it can be rebuilt from scratch without CO2 or any regard for the human suffering. There will be far more deaths from this house arrest and the total destruction to all debt, both borrowing and lending, which will also undermine the entire banking system and pensions.

The WHO now claims in another fictional report that “maybe as few as 2% or 3%” of the population has antibodies in their blood, showing they have been infected with COVID-19. They continue to argue that the world needs to be locked down, ignoring the structural changes that have already ensured the world will NEVER be the same again. When we look at the actual data, 40% of all deaths in New Jersey have been in nursing homes, which Sweden locked-down. This does not warrant closing the world economy where more people will lose everything and Gates & the WHO could care less provided they get their end goal – climate change restructuring.

Bill Gates and his control of the WHO is outrageous. He has assumed control of the world economy and the leftist press protects him like a bulletproof vest simply because they hate Trump. Make no mistake about it, Gates profits from steering technology. There are serious conflicts of interest that the leftist press ignores and will NEVER investigate. The real question is why have the leftist press declared a war against the future of the nation and the people while ignoring the hidden corruption in many health organizations?
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Зарегистрирован: 27 апр 2016, 19:02
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Зарегистрирован: 27 апр 2016, 19:02
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Сообщение Mikhael »

Gates and his puppet the WHO think they can restructure the world by forcing the economy to collapse. They fail to grasp that the civil unrest will rise dramatically after 4 weeks, which are witnessing, and then it will turn violent after 6 weeks. This is simply the cyclical behavior of human nature. Youths clashed with police in suburbs around Paris early on Wednesday. This was the fourth consecutive night of trouble as strict lockdown rules to tackle the coronavirus have heightened social tensions. Protests are starting all around the United States as the youth see this as a human rights issue when there is no serious risk of this coronavirus except to the elderly. Even down in New Zealand, they call this “the old people virus.” The New York Times simply calls them Republicans who are not worth listening to.

So far, the crowds are small and typically the youth. Protests have appeared in San Diego, with protesters marching against the ongoing closure of beaches and parks in the city. Protesters also turned out in state capitols in Texas, Maryland, and Virginia over the weekend. The leftist press pretends this is not real but simply covertly organized by Republicans pretending 100% of the country loves the lockdown. The Washington Post insists this is all funded by Republicans and not truly grass-roots.

This will continue to increase the longer this goes on. Even in Florida, where we are not locked down, resentment is building. Many are voicing resentment and appropriately asking if 1,000 people died of the flu in Tampa, would they close New York City? Everyone knows the answer – NO WAY!
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Зарегистрирован: 27 апр 2016, 19:02
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Сообщение Mikhael »

Everyone knows I do not support conspiracy theories. I had ABSOLUTE confirmation BEYOND question that there were people associated with Bill Gates who sold their entire portfolios in January and it was because there was a coming “virus” that was coming weeks before WHO said anything. I knew from the outset that this was a contrived attempt to:

(1) overthrow Trump because they saw him as standing in the way of their desired New Green World Order, and
(2) they deliberately sought to cause a recession to shut down the world economy in hopes of destroying industry to then rebuilt it with ZERO CO2.

These elitists have seriously misjudged the situation. They thought it would be easy to rebuild the economy, they were profoundly WRONG! There is a rising tide of discontent and they have drastically underestimated human society. They assumed we are all just stupid and can be manipulated like sheep.

The role played by some in the media has reached treasonous levels deliberately intending to inflict harm on the public to push their own political agenda. In centuries past, when the people find out what the media has deliberately lied to them about, it will NOT be a safe profession to be a journalist going forward. They will be lucky if they are not dragged out of their studios, drawn, quartered, and burned at the sake. The destruction they have cheered on mentally terrifying people if they dared step outside is just unforgivable. This is no longer just fake news – it is deliberate and intended destruction of our way of life.

These people are such elitists that they know not what they have done nor do they comprehend the consequences of their actions. They assumed they could crash the economy to achieve its climate change agenda and get rid of Trump once and for all. What they have done to the world economy is criminal.

Just look at Thailand. The total population of Thailand is 69 million. They closed their economy, millions are now unemployed without food. Food lines are more than one mile long thanks to Bill & Melinda Gates who supposedly care so much about people. Out of 69 million people, Gates has destroyed their tourism for what? The total number of people who dies of this contrived virus in Thailand was an unbelievable vast number of 56 people. This justified locking down the entire economy, preventing movement, and closed its tourism that will not recover in the near-term.

NEVER before in human history has such an event EVER taken place – EVER!!!!!!! I have stated that it took 3 years for unemployment to reach 25% during the Great Depression. Gates has caused that in just 7 weeks. This is a man who has funded a secret bunker in Antarctica filled with all the seeds of plants from around the world BECAUSE he has been so convinced that climate change would end the world in 5 years.

I do not speculate! If I state something, I have done my homework. I understand the game. You cannot make off-the-cuff accusations that are unsupported for just do one out of 10 and they will use that one to discredit all others.

This has been a HOAX from the very beginning. I had VERY good information confirming that, and the degree of contraction economically was UNPRECEDENTED in all of human history and I have the LARGEST database of anyone in the world – PERIOD!

So look at those who are wearing masks VOLUNTARILY and you can instantly see that they are one of the sheep. No point in trying to convince them. They will see the light only when they realize what they have lost. They are the fools that the elitists count on to manipulate society. It is a sad statement, but they are just not the brightest bulb in the box.

EVERY Politician who has harmed the people following Bill Gates should be removed from office as fools. It does not matter what party they reside in. They should be removed. If Trump is smart, he MUST launch an investigation into the conflicts of interest and FAST!!!!!. Judicial Watch has filed against Anthony Fauci demanding answers he has refused to supply. Moreover, the latest study coming from Columbia University claiming that the Malaria drug is worthless is just another example of how Gates has a Global Monoply of Health. Columbia has discredited itself as an impartial reliable source since it took from Bill and Melinda Gates $4.6 billion donations. Previously, Columbia cheered the Malaria drug. The French found it worked and I have stated that my cousin went to the hospital with COVID-19 in New Jersey and after two days with Hydroxychloroquine he was released and returned home. Columbia has a HUGE conflict of interest with Gates which is really against supporting his vaccine agenda. Anyone associated with Gates is no qualified to provide any such study – PERIOD! In finance, I must inform a client of a conflict of interest. In medicine, there seems to be no problem. This is just unacceptable and unethical.
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Зарегистрирован: 27 апр 2016, 19:02
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Сообщение Mikhael »

Европа уже планировала получить паспорт вакцины с 3-го квартала 2019 года. Реальный вопрос - что такое вакцина. Гейтс финансирует совершенно другую вакцину. Вместо того, чтобы представить образец болезни, он финансировал вакцину, которая частично является наноботами, которые нацелены на изменение и изменение вашей ДНК для предотвращения заболевания. Это уже встречается с одобрением и вызывает большие сомнения относительно того, каковы долгосрочные последствия изменения чьей-либо ДНК.

Гейтс стоит за движением в ЕС, заставляющим европейцев проходить вакцинацию. Был даже 12 сентября 2019 года глобальный саммит по вакцинации, который был совместно организован ЕС и Гейтсом, который контролировал Всемирную организацию здравоохранения (ВОЗ). Роберто Буриони, вирусолог из Университета Вита-Салюте Сан-Раффаэле в Милане, Италия, стал знаменитостью, сражающейся с вакцинными скептиками, просто заявив: «Земля круглая, бензин огнеопасен, а вакцины безопасны и эффективны», - сказал он. «Все остальное - опасная ложь».

Одной из причин, по которой некоторые считают, что уровень смертности в Италии от COVID-19 был выше, чем в большинстве других стран, было то, что они были целью для проекта вакцины Гейтса, спонсируемого ВОЗ. График иммунизации на всю жизнь был утвержден итальянскими научными обществами на 2016 год, утверждая, что это новая парадигма для пропаганды вакцинации в любом возрасте. Было установлено партнерство четырех национальных медицинских научных обществ, действующих в Италии, в разработке научных рекомендаций по вакцинам и вакцинации под влиянием Гейтса. Это были:

Итальянское общество гигиены, профилактической медицины и общественного здравоохранения; Siti,
Итальянское общество педиатрии; ГЛОТОК,
«Итальянская федерация врачей общей практики»; FIMP и
Итальянская федерация общей медицины FIMMG)
« Жизненный график иммунизации » был впервые введен в Италии, что позволило его людям проводить эксперименты для Гейтса и ВОЗ. Итальянский национальный план профилактики был утвержден министерством здравоохранения Италии в феврале 2017 года. Серьезный вопрос, на который не был дан ответ, заключается в том, какова связь между чрезмерным уровнем смертности в Италии в связи с этой вакцинацией для «всех возрастов», которая проходил в качестве эксперимента при поддержке ВОЗ и Билла Гейтса.

Есть серьезные вопросы о наших политиках. Они окупаются, чтобы позволить Гейтсу экспериментировать с населением мира? Необходимо рассмотреть корреляцию между Италией и единственной страной, которая допускает эксперименты Гейтса. Проблема, которая у нас действительно есть, заключается в том, что никакие политики не позволят провести расследование, которое разоблачает их собственную коррупцию или плохие решения.
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Зарегистрирован: 27 апр 2016, 19:02
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Сообщение Mikhael »

Добро пожаловать в новую эпоху сталинизма. Детям сказали, что это государство было их настоящими родителями, и если их биологические родители выступили против правительства, они должны сообщить о них. Тирания, исходящая от BigTech в союзе с крайне левыми, действительно становится устрашающей. Байден изо всех сил пытается заставить людей регистрироваться, чтобы он знал каждого человека, у которого есть фонд, чтобы его можно было преследовать и освободить от оружия, независимо от 2-й поправки. Первая поправка больше ничего не значит, как и надлежащая правовая процедура. Наши суды сдались тирании, и они отменили судью Томаса, потому что он консерватор, защищающий Конституцию. Внезапно тот факт, что судья Томас черный, не имеет значения. Именно его мыслительный процесс опасен для ЛЕВЫХ и BigTech.

Достаточно плохо, что BigTech решила отменить всех, с кем они не согласны. Они не только убрали Дональда Трампа, но и удалили врачей, выступавших против мошенничества с COVID, и даже удалили показания врачей перед Конгрессом. Все, что кто-либо говорит против их нарратива, отменяется в попытке навязать свое мышление населению. Тем, кто сопротивляется, BigTech поможет гарантировать, что они в конечном итоге будут заключены в тюрьму или легко устранены. К сожалению, они идут по проторенному пути в истории.

Теперь Microsoft Билла Гейтса намерена полностью уничтожить Интернет и навязать его мечту о полном контроле, как будто его спутниковой сети недостаточно. Microsoft уже объединилась с рядом технических и медиа-компаний, чтобы создать систему отслеживания контента в Интернете, чтобы они могли преследовать все инакомыслие и навязывать сталинскую идеологическую обработку. Всех, кто не согласен, отправят в лагеря, вероятно, под предлогом болезни. BigTech опьянены властью, и они жаждут нашей крови. Недостаточно отслеживать все, что мы ищем и продавать рекламодателям. В своем стремлении уничтожить Дональда Трампа они теперь стремятся уничтожить всех, кто голосовал за него, с помощью простого запугивания, чтобы заставить подчиниться их видению нового мира.

Это очень опасная тирания, с которой мы сталкиваемся - слияние демократов с BigTech, чтобы контролировать все и каждого. Они уже вручают им мировую банковскую систему. Им понравилась отмена Трампа во время выборов. Мы смотрим в лицо Триумвирату с демократами в союзе с BigTech и СМИ, чтобы создать Stainistic мир, где они могут добиться 100% соблюдения своих целей.

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